About the ArchivesStep into the rich history of Laredo and Webb County's past at the WCHF, where historically significant documents, photographs, maps, manuscripts, oral histories, and literature is meticulously preserved. This extensive collection is a vital resource catering to a diverse audience, including the general public, researchers, genealogists, students, tourists, travel writers, professional and aspiring writers, as well as media professionals spanning television, cinema, and documentaries. Visitors are welcomed to explore this comprehensive repository of regional history. Accessible through our cutting-edge digital archives, the WCHF invites exploration and discovery, encouraging individuals to submit research requests to visit our dedicated research center. Uncover the vibrant stories that have shaped this region, as the WCHF stands as the guardian of a rich cultural heritage waiting to be explored. |
In person researchIN PERSON RESEARCH IS CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE. Hours of Operation: Tuesday to Saturday 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. - 2 p.m. to 4 p.m . Location: 810 Zaragoza St., Laredo, TX 78040 Schedule Your Appointment: Phone: (956) 727-0977 Email: gvaldepena@webbheritage.org |